Thousands of years ago, Morag was the home of an advanced and flourishing civilization, that was wiped out by a global warming catastrophe. Sometime prior to their demise, the inhabitants of Morag built a temple to guard the Orb, an artifact which contained an Infinity Stone. Following the warming, Morag became entirely covered in oceans. However, every three hundred years, the sea lowers and the Temple is made accessible.
Happy Holidays! We’ve got a brand new location, Morag! This new location reads, You can’t play your first card here each turn. Getting power into Morag could be a challenge.
Similar to Vormir, Morag cares about the order in which you play cards in a turn. Morag also restricts you on board space if you want to play into it, since you need to play two cards a turn at least to get power into Morag.
Since Morag is harder to play into, you’ll probably need less power to win it than you would a more friendly location.
If you need a refresher on how Hot and Featured locations change the game, check out this deep dive.
How can we solve Morag?
Naturally, you could play a lot of cheap cards, letting you fill up Morag in one turn or a couple of cards at a time.
This bounce deck plays lots of cheap cards plus it has some move synergy to sneak cards into Morag! I have a feeling that sneaking The Collector or Bishop into Morag will be really strong. The Hood is especially good with the new location too, since it’s so easy to put the 6 power Demon into Morag!
If you have them, Titania, Maria Hill, or Bast would all be excellent additions to this deck. I would swap them for Rocket Racoon or America Chavez in that order.
On Reveals!
Another approach is to use cards that have a cross-lane effect to sneak power into Morag!
An oldie but a goodie, this deck wants to set up a lane with Wong and go ham with On Reveal effects. This deck has White Tiger, Zola, and Doctor Doom to put cards into Morag. Plus Storm can make your opponents’ life even harder!
Other Approaches
The above two decks are a little soft to Cosmo and Killmonger, which are both very popular and powerful cards in the metagame. Here are some other ideas for attacking this featured location.
Wasp is nice because it can let you play a 5 or 6 cost card into Morag on curve!
What’s even better than Wasp is Thor and his hammer Mjolnir which conveniently costs 0!
Another strong approach are cards like Vision and Captain Marvel that can move into Morag.
Luckily for us KMBest has been playing a deck with these ideas for weeks.
This deck is entirely built around Shuri, so it gets a good bit worse without her. But if you have her, this is a very powerful deck.
I also don’t mind She-Hulk into this location either. Devil Dinosaur decks also have a strong metagame advantage due to their strength into Killmonger, Cosmo, and Armor.
If you want to learn more about this She-Hulk Dino At Law deck, check out my deck guide.
Thanks for Reading
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